Fred Hosakawa, 01-14-43

Camp McCoy
Dear Henderson Family:
To all of the family of Scott Henderson, I greet
you all a “Happy New Year”!
And how did you all make out on the New Years
Resolution, did you make one? We were in a
Bar during our Xmas Eve & when the clock striked [sic]
a New Year, we gave a toast a victory year.
So one of the boys suggested we make this toast as
a resolution, so we all agree [sic] to it. For were [sic] ever we may
go, we are coming back with something. Especially
to the people in Hawaii Nei, we are bringing
back the bacon.
During our stay in Chicago, we spend our hours
in the theaters, stores & anything that came [sic] our eyes.
We returned into Camp at Monday morning &
return [sic] for duty, those cadets one, tow three, four, (what
a man.)
Several days after returning to Camp, sharp
orders came, saying to back [sic] our things. Not knowing

were [sic] we were heading, we pack our things in
order. Then one morning I made a wise crack,
saying well boys here it is, kiss Wisconsin
good bye, kiss your girlfriend & say good bye
to your friends. Then [sic] that day came, to move
out, each companies were issued orders, on this
very day I was feeling so bad I reported to
our dispensary. Taking our [sic] temperature it was
1060 so without saying anything the doctor
wrote a shut [sic] out, to hospital & I landed
safe & sound in Hospital & of course my out
fit move [sic] out that very day. Until than [sic] I’m
still in this Hospital. Its seven days now
& I’m feeling fine, although first five days
Was a suffering hours. At present I’m seating
up & regain [sic] my strength back. I’m waiting
for my orders to move out anytime now.
So if any of you should receive this
letter, please do not reply to it, cause
by than [sic] I believe I’ll be far away.
To you Mr. & Mrs. Henderson goes my
thankness [sic] for your generous kind heart & your
lovely Hospitaly [sic]. I’m not speaking for myself

but as for the whole bunch of boys, those been [sic]
having lovely time at your home. I couldn’t express
how glad I am to go in a stranger [sic] house, merely
by introduction & here you are treating us boys
as tho [sic] it was your child. It isn’t [sic] by words or
by speech that I’m saying this it is really from
my heart, from mami [sic] Hosakawa I’m saying this.
I’m really thankful that I have met parents of
your knowledge.
And to the lovely daughters & childrens [sic]
of the Henderson family & also to your girls [sic]
friends, my luck [sic] goes to you all. You have
been very kind to us. Your lovely Hospitality as
well as to your accompany [sic] had been a high
morale builder. So high that to some of the
boys it felted [sic] very deep to say good bye.
Tho [sic] I visited your home two times I know
I’m not close acquaintance to you all, yet as I
recall those days we rode on the bobsled riding
it was fun wasn’t it. Remember that Sunday

afternoon we rode on the toboggan. I can
still remember at first how my nerves was [sic].
and milking cow was another fun wasn’t it.
Yeh! I can see, Betty, Nancy & Mrs. Henderson
milking their cow & I can picture myself
couldn’t help it but during [sic] with one hand. I
can picture how my nerve felt as I was
between two cows, wondering whether she’ll
crush me or not.
And Remember that night, Bert (?) & I were invi-
ted to Joanne and Bobby Xmas program.
Yeh! I can see the lovely teacher too. (Ha Ha)
After the program we were in your home,
singing songs of Xmas with your whole family
& just when we were getting every (?), the
taxi came & off we went. Yeh! I never forget
those days.
Well folks, I guess I said enough &
besides I’m making to [sic] many mistakes so
Ill [sic] close right here. Until my destination is
known good luck to you all.
Bye bye & May God bless you all.
Respectfully Yours,
Fred Hosakawa