24 May 45
Dear Farrant T,
Thanks for your letter of 31 March. Glad to hear that everyone was happy about my promotion. It was a long hard pull with plenty of heart aches. Steve is sitting pretty now and we are all in hopes he will get the next break. He is in our Regt. now.
This is rather a late answer but it seems that the Nips take up a great deal of my time. We have now been in the line for quite some time and are still going.
All of us hear figured you got rather a lousy deal and have said so for quite some time. None of us could understand why they never gave you your promotion.
Heard old Andy was at Hood. If you ever write him please give him my best wishes and thoughts. Believe he is with an old Regt. Commander from this division.
Swede Larsen is still with us and so his Albert Chock. You may know them, both Honolulu boys.
Can’t say I’m glad to hear Faus has eagles. He was living such a tough life last time I saw him that I had no stomach for such deals.
Say hello to the gang for me and if you have any extra time on your hands give drop me a line.
Understand congrats are in order on a new job for you. Tell Paul B I’ve written him and he has never answered so the hell with him. Maybe he never got it. In fact I wrote twice. Say hello to your wife for me.